
Hello hello!
          	If anyone sees this, you'll be the first one to know what on earth is going on with me and my fanfics!
          	So, your girl made some bad choices, and fast-tracked 2 courses (I'm in gr 10, doing 2 gr 11 courses). Meaning I'm super duper busy trying to keep on top of my work (my gr 10 courses are both language courses, and if you know language courses, you can imagine the workload).
          	But I am figuring it out, and I am working HARD to make it possible to squeeze writing in here! Unfortunately, I've been in something of a creative slump. I haven't done art, writing of any kind and no ideas coming either.
          	So in an attempt to fix this, I will be doing a planned hiatus, for all creative works.
          	But not to worry (if you're a Starfae reader)!
          	I'm going to force write the next Project Starfae chapter and have it published by the end of March Break (which is March 10-15 for me) before going on hiatus.
          	At the moment, I'm not sure how long this hiatus will be, but I'm planning for maybe 2 months. I'm aware that I've technically been taking an unplanned hiatus as of late, however it's been filled with stressing over my writing materials. This planned hiatus is going to be so that I can breathe, get my life together and slowly start opening my creative channels again.
          	I'm so sorry to the Falling and Wiltedblossom fans that you won't be getting a chapter soon, but I promise I'll be working on those two as soon as my hiatus is over. More details on the hiatus will be announced both here and in all my works!
          	Thanks so much to all of you lovely people and I hope you have an amazing time while I'm away!
          	Keep on smiling!
          	~ LittleOwl


@LittleOwl137 Ohh! Thanks for updating about your situation! I totally understand about taking challenging language courses and how stressful it can be! I’m glad that you’ll be posting new Starfae chapters soon, and hope that you’ll be out of haitus with a lot of creative ideas! You’re a really good writer and I love your writing  Have a good day/night/hiatus!


Hello hello!
          If anyone sees this, you'll be the first one to know what on earth is going on with me and my fanfics!
          So, your girl made some bad choices, and fast-tracked 2 courses (I'm in gr 10, doing 2 gr 11 courses). Meaning I'm super duper busy trying to keep on top of my work (my gr 10 courses are both language courses, and if you know language courses, you can imagine the workload).
          But I am figuring it out, and I am working HARD to make it possible to squeeze writing in here! Unfortunately, I've been in something of a creative slump. I haven't done art, writing of any kind and no ideas coming either.
          So in an attempt to fix this, I will be doing a planned hiatus, for all creative works.
          But not to worry (if you're a Starfae reader)!
          I'm going to force write the next Project Starfae chapter and have it published by the end of March Break (which is March 10-15 for me) before going on hiatus.
          At the moment, I'm not sure how long this hiatus will be, but I'm planning for maybe 2 months. I'm aware that I've technically been taking an unplanned hiatus as of late, however it's been filled with stressing over my writing materials. This planned hiatus is going to be so that I can breathe, get my life together and slowly start opening my creative channels again.
          I'm so sorry to the Falling and Wiltedblossom fans that you won't be getting a chapter soon, but I promise I'll be working on those two as soon as my hiatus is over. More details on the hiatus will be announced both here and in all my works!
          Thanks so much to all of you lovely people and I hope you have an amazing time while I'm away!
          Keep on smiling!
          ~ LittleOwl


@LittleOwl137 Ohh! Thanks for updating about your situation! I totally understand about taking challenging language courses and how stressful it can be! I’m glad that you’ll be posting new Starfae chapters soon, and hope that you’ll be out of haitus with a lot of creative ideas! You’re a really good writer and I love your writing  Have a good day/night/hiatus!


          I know, I promised that Falling chapter soon right? Like back in April?
          Gosh darnit, it's almost 2025. Almost a whole year. SO HERE IS MY GOAL: To get that one stubborn stupid Falling chapter out BEFORE 2025. Do I only have 2 days left to do so? Yes. Am I going to make it? I really darn hope so. (Most likely, it will greet you on New Year's day, not New Year's Eve)
          After that, I do unfortunately have to lock in for my semester 1 culminating projects and exams. But once I'm done with my last exam, I'm aiming to get a handful of Starfae and Wilted chapters written to release periodically over a few months. Summer's already looking to be busy for me, but I'll do my best to write some more fanfic chapters <3.
          Lots of love & a very late Christmas to those who celebrate,


Greetings to everyone!
          It's been a minute since I've done anything on Wattpad. But I am happy to let you know that this announcement is to let you know that Project Starfae is getting Chapter 12 released tomorrow at 7 AM EST. 
          Why 7 AM? So that my fellow students living in the EST time zone can read it during the day if they become bored during their torturous educative time. (JK, I genuinely hope some of you enjoy school, I share your sentiments if you don't)
          But yes, it will be available by that time tomorrow, and my (joke) reasoning applies to all that are after the EST zone!
          I hope you enjoy it and I will return to a normal posting schedule as soon as I can make that possible.
          ~ LittleOwl


          Chapter 11 of Project Starfae's just been published! So all you KOTLC fans go celebrate and read it!
          I apologise for my lack of chapter updates and just generally being offline. I had a lot of things taking up my time so my summer plans got altered pretty heavily.
          I hope you're all doing amazing and have a wonderful start to your school year or have an epic rest of your summer!
          ~ LittleOwl


Hello all you lovely people!
          I'm going no contact starting tomorrow till the 13th of July since I will be out of town in a place with no cell signal.
          So I will schedule a Project Starfae chapter to come out during the next week so something gets posted in the meanwhile.
          But I would like to be honest with you all and share some news.
          1. I'm no longer guaranteeing a Falling chapter for a while. Meaning, y'all might get one this summer, or you might not. I'm incredibly busy this summer and Falling is the one fanfic that takes 2x more work to write than my other ones.
          2. I have finished 3 more chapters for Project Starfae, not so much with Wiltedblossom yet. I'm hoping to get you guys at least 2 Wilted chapters this summer but it might just end up being only 1 depending on how we move on from here.
          So sorry to disappoint you guys, my lovely readers. But the support and love means so much to me. I just wanted to share this with you guys since I won't be online at all till next Saturday.
          Hope you're all doing absolutely lovely <3.
          ~ LittleOwl


Ahem, AHEM.
          I have updates!
          Not chapter updates, silly, just some news!
          So, first off. I am extremely busy this summer (or at least that's what my brain's been telling me). My grandparents are visiting from the other side of the world for the whole summer, I have chosen to take summer school in August and I will be writing the first draft of an OG book that I've been planning with a friend. But fear not! For I have set out a rough plan about how this is all going to go.
          1. From now until the end of June (not that long but trust the process) I will be spam writing 3-5 chapters for *each* fanfic that is currently ongoing. I will then be editing them and sparingly releasing them as the summer months (and maybe September) passes.
          2. Falling with the Rain is not going to be guaranteed to have 3 chapters as I did mention I don't plan on updating it too often ( + This one takes the most work to actually work on). Also, I've recently had a lot of final ideas and plans for Project Starfae so it's easiest for me to prioritise that right now. (Chapter 10 & 11 are done, 12 is started).
          3. I have made a secondary account for some more side original projects I am thinking of doing just for a fun writing project outside of fanfics. I have plans to properly set it up and start developing ideas for the whole of July. When I'm ready for the account to go public, I'd be grateful if you guys could check it out. <3
          4. During August my priorities are summer school & the first draft of my OG book (OG book is also a priority in July), so you guys will still be getting fanfic updates, but I won't be online very much.
          And I think that's all, if I remember I have more to add, I'll comment it under this post. But some more things to note, 1. I will be completely offline from July 5-15 and 2. My exams are Wednesday-Friday this coming week so I'll be very busy but after that I am basically free!
          Thank you guys so much for the love and the support!
          Best wishes,




Y'all better be so proud of me, because no way I just finished two whole chapters for two whole different fanfics while dealing with school and culminating season. But yes! Project Starfae Chapter 9 is coming out!
          I'm really busy this weekend so I won't be able to work on anything at all, so I've scheduled Chapter 9 to be posted on Friday June 7th at 4 pm EST time. Chapter 10 is also written and will be published once I have Chapter 11 written.
          Enjoy all these updates while you can because Falling's next chapter might not be out for a while!
          Lots of love as always,


@arrow_narcissus1  Ooh, it is? Great! Then consider it taken, shall I go do the form?


@LittleOwl137  A position for Warrior is open!


@arrow_narcissus1  Aww man, I'm too late, all the positions are taken T-T. Let me know if you come up with anymore and I'll be there right away to take it!