Hello hello! If anyone sees this, you'll be the first one to know what on earth is going on with me and my fanfics! So, your girl made some bad choices, and fast-tracked 2 courses (I'm in gr 10, doing 2 gr 11 courses). Meaning I'm super duper busy trying to keep on top of my work (my gr 10 courses are both language courses, and if you know language courses, you can imagine the workload). But I am figuring it out, and I am working HARD to make it possible to squeeze writing in here! Unfortunately, I've been in something of a creative slump. I haven't done art, writing of any kind and no ideas coming either. So in an attempt to fix this, I will be doing a planned hiatus, for all creative works. But not to worry (if you're a Starfae reader)! I'm going to force write the next Project Starfae chapter and have it published by the end of March Break (which is March 10-15 for me) before going on hiatus. At the moment, I'm not sure how long this hiatus will be, but I'm planning for maybe 2 months. I'm aware that I've technically been taking an unplanned hiatus as of late, however it's been filled with stressing over my writing materials. This planned hiatus is going to be so that I can breathe, get my life together and slowly start opening my creative channels again. I'm so sorry to the Falling and Wiltedblossom fans that you won't be getting a chapter soon, but I promise I'll be working on those two as soon as my hiatus is over. More details on the hiatus will be announced both here and in all my works! Thanks so much to all of you lovely people and I hope you have an amazing time while I'm away! Keep on smiling! ~ LittleOwl

@LittleOwl137 Ohh! Thanks for updating about your situation! I totally understand about taking challenging language courses and how stressful it can be! I’m glad that you’ll be posting new Starfae chapters soon, and hope that you’ll be out of haitus with a lot of creative ideas! You’re a really good writer and I love your writing Have a good day/night/hiatus!