I don't really write stories but I love to read :)
Jess ( @ImWellJel ) made me get an account :D

I am a massive nerdfighter and I have to say, I love being one.
I'm also in love with science... I just thinks space is so beautiful and not enough people appreciate it :(
I play the guitar (badly)
But's it's a pretty guitar so I don't mind ^_^

I love listening to music
I have a thing for nerdy guys who play video games <3
I also have a thing for gingers
That includes Ed Sheeran and Rupert Grint (nomnomnom)

I love Lady Gaga... She has taught me to be myself and not be ashamed of it :D

Never had a boyfriend but I don't really mind... as long as people don't take the piss :/
Me and Jess are going to be nuns anyways...
JK! :D I don't believe in God so...

I mean don't get me wrong, I would never judge anyone based on their religion. It's stupid, really :I

I practically live on Youtube and Tumblr :)

Jess is my bestest friend in the world :D
I love her to the end of the universe and back <3 (Which a bloody lot)

I am a pixar child. Favorite film: WALL-E (HELLO? Robot love story! What's not to like?) :

Just to let you know... I am a cat :3
  • In the bushes outside your house :D
  • Se ha unidoNovember 13, 2011


Último mensaje
LittlePaperCircles LittlePaperCircles Jan 30, 2012 06:45PM
@ImWellJel I don't want to sound like i'm desperate :I
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