
Hi! I will be unpublishing Persephone for a while. I have gone silent over the past few weeks because I wanted to focus on writing the stories and I realized while I was writing Persephone that I want to take it in a different direction in a kinda dark romance way.  I feel like it would not be best to stay with its title as Persephone haha. The plot is plotting as they say hahahaha 
          	So, for now, you won't see Persephone but will be back with a brand new cover and story title! Stay tuned!
          	Thank you and, as always, take care!


Hi! I will be unpublishing Persephone for a while. I have gone silent over the past few weeks because I wanted to focus on writing the stories and I realized while I was writing Persephone that I want to take it in a different direction in a kinda dark romance way.  I feel like it would not be best to stay with its title as Persephone haha. The plot is plotting as they say hahahaha 
          So, for now, you won't see Persephone but will be back with a brand new cover and story title! Stay tuned!
          Thank you and, as always, take care!


          I am so sorry to keep you waiting. I have been busy with work and also dealt with personal stuff for a while which has caused me to stop updating. I will try to update this week as my notes are getting filled with my handwritten chapters while I was not able to update here.
          I hope you understand. Thank you so much for reading my stories.


After spending two hours trying to communicate with the strange girl in the forest, we finally figured out how to talk to each other even with me being mute. It turned out that writing  the whole set of alphabets on the ground would make us communicate better with a yes and no at the bottom of the alphabets.
          It was a strange way to communicate knowing the fairy was not able to write properly so pointing on alphabets was the best way to talk. I introduced myself with my name not wanting to cause any more confusion for her. She lowered her stick afterwards and then she began to spell her name as well on the ground.
          FLORENCE. She finished pointing at the letter E with a shy smile.
          Chapter 37: The Foreign Fairy Meets the Mute has been posted on Wattpad!
          Get to know Florence and how they will be able to live through the strange forest in the new chapter.


Chapter 30 of The Mark of the Moon is posted!
          SNEAK PEEK
          My heart skipped a beat at the horrible thought of their plan; of having this city as their entire trap and we walked right into it.
          “If they did set us up, we need to get everyone else out of here. This is going to be a bloodbath.” Yllor’s voice went deep with despair. “Syrylas, land us somewhere safe.” He ordered and the dragon obediently followed, flying us over to a now-burnt house. 
          “Okay. I have a plan.” Andros slid off Syrylas’ back and Solstice followed him. Andros carefully took us down. I watched Yllor talk to the lady-dragon in whispers. 
          “Alright! Hear me out.” He left the dragon and Syrylas stood to keep watch.
          “We need to get everyone out of this city.” He said, pointing at the warriors fighting against the human soldiers with swords, guns, bows and arrows. Some were charging the other side, flanking people with spears and I remained frozen in my feet, watching the battle at the center of the city. 
          “Andros, find your friends. Solstice, ride Syrylas together with Krian. Try and defend anyone from above. Warn the warriors to not push the fight and retreat. Do your best to tell them this is all planned out by the humans.”
          “How about you?”” Solstice asked this time.
          He faced the dragon standing proud in the city with its scale blackening and running with dark liquid from all the attacks he had taken. I began to think that the dark liquid running from his chest and from his mouth were blood but I was shaken by Solstice to focus.
          The dwarf faced the center of the city and pointed at Rakonyr’s gargantuan height.
          “I will take care of Rakonyr. He cannot let his anger get the best of him. He wants retribution for the betrayal of humankind to us but I do not want the innocent to get sacrificed for this hate. I will tell him to leave the city and we will never return here.”