Yes I know my french sucks thank you for pointing it out-NOOOOW for other news-I just started a new story-and it would mean the world if you check it out and suchhhh!
I Oove you all
Yes I know my french sucks thank you for pointing it out-NOOOOW for other news-I just started a new story-and it would mean the world if you check it out and suchhhh!
I Oove you all
give some info when you write another awesome story i lieke the tell me a lie, i have to remind my self to stop reading because i'm wide awake in late night hahaha,
I know nothing about 1d but, i will blame you because you makes me addicted to their fanfictions hehehe
-xo mily-
PEOPLE! So no, I am not dead. Not yet-though all this coughing will eventually kill me. I REALLY MISSED YOU GUYS! And probably no one will read this-but if you do: I'll probably have an update very soon. And then other updates. Annnnnd I love you, you random citizen. You are perfect. And funny. And lovely. And as Arnold Swagenelaladingdong use to say: I'll be back.