
@524kiseki Ah really ^.^ Thanks, please continue reading ^.^ ^.<


Hey guys finally decided to put up the new story, hope you like it, same kinda style as Golden Eyes, but why not, if it ain't broke don't fix it ^.^ that's the right phrase right? Anyway hope you like tell me what i should fix and all please \(^.^)/


Yay! Finally reached 1000 reads ^.^ Thanks for everyone reading my book ^.^ In the prgress of writing another book..... in my besties note book in the middle of maths.... uhhh maybe not the best time to write a story anyway thanks for the comments and all will work on my editing and grammar definitely gonna re-edit soon after i finish my assignments which i seem to have been subconsciously procrastinating also gonna write another song on the piano for Golden Eyes.... or maybe for the new book anyway thanks a lot guys ^.^ I <3 You *super creepy grin and slight pedo laugh* \(^.^)/