@yourlocalteacup . I thought the prequel was the first book, and got super attached to the MC, only to find out he dies pretty much right away in the main series. I’m glad my questioning process is fun for you. Someone should get a kick out of it. Yeah, love is weird. I don’t even know what I’m meant to be feeling. Descriptions are handy though so, thanks for that. As for the formulas, I have no idea what I was talking about. If I figure it out, I’ll get back to you, but that was like two months ago, and I was probably really tired. Sorry! Yeah, that makes sense. I feel like when it comes down to it, every writer has their own way of doing things. Other authors can give suggestions because sometimes they do help, but because it’s a creative process, everything comes from the brain, and everybody’s brain works differently, so you have to find what works for you. There are very few things I feel like all writers have to do, though I wouldn’t say they don’t exist. My current writing process is a combination of tips from like four different authors, random stuff I read on the internet, and things I discovered on my own that work for me. Thanks for the compliment, though I don’t always work quite that hard on plotting and planning my fics. Usually I have a basic chapter outline, character info if necessary (some fandoms have a great wiki or I feel comfortable enough writing the character that I don’t need it), general notes about the world if it’s an AU, and one major and at least one minor plotline decided on. Sorry if this reads weird or is missing something. I wrote it in chunks over the course of a couple days because I’ve been really busy. And sorry it’s so long. This would have been enough to send in a letter 100 years ago LOL.