
Hi everyone, just to let you know I will be continuing to write my boys soon :) I also have been thinking about changing the title, has anyone got any ideas?


''Sophie is the best''  would be a really good, honest, truthful and accurate title! May not relate to the book at all.. but to be honest.. I think the book should be about how sophie is the best... so it's a problem with your book not my title.. just saying... :P


Hey! Merry Belated Chirstmas!! So i have a little question for everyone :) I recently got a little inspiration after what happened to me the last couple of months and I started a new story based on it... I thinking about posting it on here if you're interested? It's very loosely based btw :P Although some major issues are fact for me.. So yeah let me know? I should hopefully be posting a new chapter of My boys as well soon. Much Love to All xxx