
Hello, My beautiful sunflowers!
          	I have kind of forgotten this platform existed because I mostly have been reading rather than writing my own stories. I have also joined another writing platform A03, I will be crossposting to here when I'm able to though. 
          	WITHT THAT I do have a new story, it's a harry potter fanfic and i'll post the first chapter soon. The story All magic comes with a price by singingfae is me 
          	anyways I hope that ya'll have a wonderful night/day/whatever wherever you may be and remember to stay you, stay beautiful and love the world! (I would say that I promise not to fall into the abyss but i don't want to lie...)
          	*holds out a sunflower while smiling*


Hello, My beautiful sunflowers!
          I have kind of forgotten this platform existed because I mostly have been reading rather than writing my own stories. I have also joined another writing platform A03, I will be crossposting to here when I'm able to though. 
          WITHT THAT I do have a new story, it's a harry potter fanfic and i'll post the first chapter soon. The story All magic comes with a price by singingfae is me 
          anyways I hope that ya'll have a wonderful night/day/whatever wherever you may be and remember to stay you, stay beautiful and love the world! (I would say that I promise not to fall into the abyss but i don't want to lie...)
          *holds out a sunflower while smiling*


Hello, My beautiful Sunflowers!
          So I yet again fell into the abyss and I apologize for that. I recently went and was in the process o getting to find out what is wrong with my brain and honestly I have time for work, school, and America(also I mean my bf not the country lol, my bf looks like him) more than anything. But, FEAR NOT FOR *Drumroll* I am NOT giving up on my stories. I didn't think that one of my stories was doing good and I got a comment for me to update and bet I will please the one person. Hopefully, this will get me out of my rut. However, I really, really REALLY need feedback pleaseee. 
          Either way, thank you to everyone who has stuck with me thus far. 
          Remember to stay you, stay beautiful, and love the world. Here's your sunflower from the abyss *Holds out a sunflower glowing black*


Hello, my beautiful sunflowers! 
          I always seem to fall off the face of the earth but this time I have a reason! I started a new job and got busy with starting classes for the summer. With the supernatural bond story Iggy and I are thinking of completely nixing sherlock out of it because we looked at the stats and with fem Moriarty, it seemed to dip? Do you guys like her? Should I keep her in or just take out sherlock in general? We are also changing up a few of the relationships and are gonna try to get it to go in the direction we want and keep it on that path with as few branch-offs as possible. 
          I really look forward to hearing from you guys and getting your opinions. With a martyr of war, I am a little stuck with where I want to go with it because it is a bit different from what I usually write, and after I posted that first chapter I kinda forgot about it and forgot where I was going with it. I hope to post something soon! Once again I hope to hear from you guys soon!
          Remember to stay you, stay beautiful, and love the world! Here's your sunflower of the day! *Holds out sunflower smiling tiredly*


Hello, my wonderful sunflowers!
          So once again sorry for falling off the face of the earth but I completely got writers' block for pretty much all of my stories. So as such, the Supernatural bond is going to be COMPLETELY rewritten. I hope that you guys will enjoy the new one. I am also gonna try and work on the other stories, I have gotten a bit ahead on the "I won't be your maytr of war." my harry potter story, I'm just a little stuck.
          I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night/whatever wherever you are. 
          Have a sunflower, remember to stay you and stay beautiful and show the world a little extra love! *Holds out a sunflower*


@America-sanuwu because i thought it was kind of funny and i wasnt expecting it since i dont usually get responses on these


Hello, my wonderful sunflowers!
          I kinda fell off the face of the earth again and I am 100% sorry for that. The same excuse as last time, it's online schooling. I'm reaching my final semesters for my college degree so I have to focus a bit harder than usual, especially with having to do both a gen ed class and a major class. They both involve a lot of writing and deadlines. But once again I wanted to let y'all know that I am rewriting supernatural with the help of Iggy and Poland.  There's some definite things we need to change. 
          Have a sunflower *holds a sunflower out with a smile* and remember to stay you, stay beautiful, and love the world. But above all remember to stay safe and wear a mask!


Hello everyone of my faithful sunflowers!
          I am So sorry about the radio silence things had gotten so out of hand with the pandemic going on and online schooling. I just wanted to let you all know that I am updating and editing a few of my stories starting with the one and the only *drumroll* SUPERNATURAL BOND! 
          I hope you all still enjoy the story. 
          I love every last one of you and remember to stay you, stay beautiful, and love the world. But most of all remember to stay safe! *Holds out a sunflower happily*


Hello, my beautiful sunflowers!
          My story, A Supernatural Bond, is getting edited and a bit of an overhaul so some things WILL be different.  Be sure to check it out! I will also be posting this as an authors note on the story before posting the next chapter!
          I love you guys!
          Remember to stay you, stay beautiful and love the world! *Holds out a sunflower while grinning tiredly*


hello, my beautiful sunflowers!
          Bela here! Iggy is helping me with the story today and I'm terribly sorry to say that it will be updated tomorrow instead. We'll work on it today but I have a feeling that tomorrow will be the update rather then tonight unless if I can finish it tonight. 
          I might be starting a new book or updating some oldies as well but I don't know yet...
          I hope you guys have a wonderful day!
          Remember that I love you guys! Also remember to stay you, stay beautiful and love the world! *Holds out a sunflower*


Heylo my beautiful sunflowers!
          I'm a very happy Bela right now. Either way, to appease the writing gods I shall update the story tomorrow. I got distracted by America and it will be done. I'm working on it with Iggy right this second as well as hanging out with America. /.\ Sue me(Not really I'm a broke college kid)
          Anyways~ I shall see you beautiful sunflowers on the flipside!
          This is Bela signing off with Iggy and America to continue on the story. I love you guys!
          Remember to stay you, stay beautiful and love the world! *Holds out a sunflower smiling*


Hello my beautiful sunflowers,
          An update is coming as I type. A little polish and extra work is to be done but the long-awaited chapter will be up TONIGHT. There is also going to be a Christmas special. They will most likely be updated but might not be. Anyways PREPARE FOR SOME DELICIOUS ANGST.
          Signing off to help my friend who's helping me with the story~
          Remember to stay you, stay beautiful and love the world. Why don't you have a happy sunflower to help with the angst to come? *Holds out a grinning sunflower while smiling*