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Haiiii! piss. its is twuwy da most wondewfuw dwink i've evew had. da taste is absowutewy bwiwwiant, its twuwy fiwwing, a singwe dwop of this wondewfuwwy stunning yewwow tweat in uuw mouth wouwd make anyone faww deep into a high. ANYONE, wouwd cwave mowe just fwom a tiny dwopwet of dewicious piss..... da way it swides and gwides down uuw swimy thwoat.... da feewing is intoxicating. uu couwd honestwy dwown beneath da feewing of cowd and hot.. so good..... moist.. twuwy is a gift to humanity. i think that this is in fact da best substance on da face of da pwanet because of its pwopewties. fuck its so fucking mouth watewing da thought of piss tuwns me on....wike its nut onwy a dwink, it couwd be used as a wubwicant as weww. its so usefuw. FFUCK PISS IS SO SWEET, WICH,...... and if uu dont wike da cowow yewwow? IT COMES IN WHITE TOO!!!!!! it comes in fucking WHITE. i'm suwe aww uu nasty miwk wovews wove a white dwink mowe than anything. and i'ww say that piss is so much mowe ejoyabwe, appetizing, ANF FWAVOWFUW.. then that nasty cow cum is. anyways. it's a twat. amazingy weww done of a dwink, and kink. god i wove piss mowe than anything in da wowwd. god it is just so fucking pweasing. heavenwy, even. i couwd dwop dead just thinking about how much i'd give fow piss. Huoh.