
Does anyone have any open art contests I can join??


Thanks for the follow friend! ^^ I hope that you have a great time exploring my profile. <3 I hope you can find some time to check out my amazing works, because I can promise you won’t be disappointed! But may I ask why you followed me??


@Little_Fox08 Aww I’m glad I could make that impression <33 That’s great! It’s very nice to meet you. That’s awesome!


@Dove-Writes I found your profile through a friend. I thought from your profile that you’re a very sweet person; and I also am a Christian and I love to connect with fellow believers! I also like warrior cats and before my profile remodel I was a very avid warrior cat role player! :))


Hey hey! I haven't talked to you in a bit! I'm that one guy that talked with you about soccer all the time! Hope you're well!


@Little_Fox08 @Little_Fox08 Yeah, because the Japanese and the Moroccans are no small feat. The Moroccans beat Argentina 2-1 after leading 2-0, plus the Argentines had a goal disallowed due to VAR, and that analysis took 2 hours for them to actually call it off. The Japanese have been good on the women's side as well. They were great against Spain, and they were very consistent in their group, so they are tough teams, and I think the Americans can make it through though.


@Xx_Paragon_xX I’m proud of the men. They haven’t received a medal for football in 20 years (or something like that) so this is an accomplishment! I obviously want the women to win, but I hope they don’t go into their next matches too cocky.
            But I haven’t really had time to analyze many games because my schedule has started to pile up.


@Little_Fox08 Honestly, the usmnt had the momentum against france to have scored more goals, I watched the New Zealand and Guinea games, and there was a dominance to the men. Same with the women against Zambia and Germany. And individually, I think that Lynn Williams needs to start instead of Sophia Smith, honestly, I think that Sophia Smith is lacking the creative spark in front of goal. Honestly, I think she needs to stop shooting straight at the goalkeeper, and actually put one in the corner. Overall, a very good performance from both the men and the women, and I can see the women winning gold, and same for the men, if they continue their dominance, I could see them winning it!


I’ve changed my username a couple of times. But does anyone remember me as Maudfox08?


@toadskipp- How’ve you been doing lately? It’s been forever since we chatted.


@toadskipp- I miss you. Hope you’re doing well! :)


A little thing the Lord put in my heart today. . .
           A God-based identity is more steadfast, stable, and peaceful than a performance-based identity.
          I struggle with perfectionism and self-worth. I am a high-level, high-achieving athlete and so the pressure to perform well is immense. Even though I can utilize my perfectionism to my advantage, as a Christian I must be sure not to put my identity in how well I may or may not have played and instead put it in Christ.
          Just a little nugget.


Did you watch the USMNT today?


            Thanks for your thoughts!


@ALittleLamb08 The US started the game off pretty well actually, they scored early, and that kinda set a tone for how they wanted the game to go, but as they got into the game, they got sloppy in possession, misplacing passes, not taking enough shots, losing the ball in key areas, stuff like that. Matt Turner won a deserved motm for his performance in goal, keeping a clean sheet, as well as saving the US multiple times throughout the 90-95 minutes. Uzbekistan played like they wanted to win, they were most dangerous off the right, or the US' left, where Pulisic and Robinson were positioned, and they were getting beat a lot. Unfortunately, De la Torre was subbed off for a broken nose that he sustained around the 30-35 minute mark, and Balogun came off at halftime. To be honest, I probably would've given Balogun at least 15-20 minutes at the start of the second half because Pepi, who came on for him didn't really score until the final moments of the game, and I feel Balogun played deeper to get the ball so he could drive or spread the ball out wide, and create chances, which is something Pepi didn't really do. Pulisic was woeful, and he didn't really create that many chances, his touch was off, and he wasn't playing like the player of the month for AC Milan that we all know he is, and he only scored due to a penalty given against Uzbekistan, which I feel was somewhat undeserved. A positive however, was Lund who got his first US cap at left back, where he did extremely well, at least in my opinion that is, and I can see him fighting with Robinson for that spot. That's what I thought, maybe you have a different opinion, but that was how I thought they played.


            Unfortunately not because I had my own matches. But I kept tabs on the score. I'll probably watch the highlights later.
            Did you? What's your analysis?


The US Women’s National team has lost to Sweden. It is truly a shame, as an American. But honestly, truthfully, this has been coming for a long time. Though I love America, there are a lot of sick people who are trying to force their sick agendas upon others using the beautiful game of soccer. This ‘activism’ that some players have has and always will be a distraction for the US team; and so the whole team suffers because of some people’s mental illnesses.
          Unfortunately, many nations now look down upon America, thinking us stupid. It’s embarrassing, quite frankly. This woke society has been the downfall of the United States and will continue to be so.
          I don’t mean to bash her, but just look at how Megan Rapinoe choked on her penalty; she also had the audacity to smile after she missed her shot. She was the first one to fall, causing our collapse. Rapinoe, the cover girl and the one on commercials yapping about ‘equal pay’ and ‘inclusivity’ and ‘the rainbow community’ was in the end the one who cost us. 
          Putting politics aside, I still believe the US won’t be the best in the world much longer. The only reason the US has gotten this far is because they simply fell onto the game of women’s soccer faster than all other countries. With more athletic women, the US has been at the top for many years. But my little prediction is, as other countries such as Spain and England continue with their women’s programs, they will start to thrive because they actually know how to play beautiful soccer. Eventually they will be teaching the US how to play, instead of the other way around. A big problem with the US is our youth program. It’s ‘pay to play’. Youth teams are prompted by the parents to win. No one likes to see their child lose. Because of this, teams are scared to develop players and instead become cash cows and pluck already talented players from other teams to put onto their team so they can win.
          Let me know what you think on these matters.


            Definitely. I'm sickened at their lack of passion for the country that they were representing.
            Today my coach, a man with a love for America, said that for the first time ever he found himself not rooting for the US. He said it was disgusting how they acted off the field, and that they should just leave their personal, political lives off of the pitch and actually focus on the game. I agree. It's their attitude that killed them. Also, I don't think that they wanted to prove that the US was better than everyone else; I think they thought it was already proven. That was their downfall. They felt no sense of urgency and thought that everything was going to float down to them on a silver platter because they were on the throne.


@ALittleLamb08 I also agree with the points you've made. I think the players associated with the USWNT were distracted with their own fame and glory, instead of the fame and glory of the red, white, and blue. That was shown in the way they played on the pitch. To be honest, when the first game was over, I already knew they weren't going to do anything well. Especially with the Netherlands and Portugal in the group. They didn't look like they wanted to beat the Netherlands and Portugal because there wasn't a drive, or motivation rather. But you really can't blame just one person. It's a team sport, and it wasn't just Rapinoe who messed up, it was everyone who was on the pitch for the US, because of their lack of motivation and drive to prove that their country was better than the rest. Looking at countries like England, and Spain, there is definitely more passion with England and Spain, and other teams, than there is with the US, who will definitely change the way Women's football is looked at by people from the outside looking in.


How do you witness to someone who is very intelligent, logical, humanistic, firm, and is very uninterested in religion?
          I’ve just had a conversation with my soccer coach on religion — actually, it was more of a monologue; that’s the type of person he is. He went on and on about how he went to school for religion and learned a lot, but at the end of the day he decided religion wasn’t his thing — or that he was merely above it. When I finally got a chance to talk, I tried to respectfully explain that Christianity is different from other religions in that it does not teach that good works save. It is the opposite. But I could tell that, while he was nodding his head, he was disagreeing with me in his mind. And don’t get me wrong, I love the guy. He’s such a big part of my life. But it makes me sad and a bit upset that such an intelligent man has a hard heart. And it’s difficult for me to witness because he’s my superior; I have to be respectful, and he’s made it clear multiple times that he doesn’t like religion to be pushed onto him.
          I have just gotten a bit discouraged thinking that what I said during this encounter was not good enough. I’m such a shy person, and he’s such a blunt bloke, that I always get a little flustered when we talk. So when I was talking about Christ, though I was trying my best to sound rooted, I couldn’t help but think I sounded unconfident. 
          I know my mission isn’t necessarily to convert him. It’s merely to sow seeds. I hope I did sow a seed, however little it may be. 
          Please pray for him and I, perhaps? He’s got a 90 year old mother with Alzheimer’s, as well, and she’s not doing too well. This only makes it more heartbreaking, because they don’t have the love of Jesus. . .


            Thanks for the kind advice, my friend!!


@ALittleLamb08 I have been in this situation, and it is very common in my life as well. When we share the gospel, we're not supposed to force them to choose it, we're supposed to help them to make the decision to follow Christ and be more like him, because that's what our walk with God is for, to come alongside people and to support them while also helping them to make the right choice when it comes to trusting God and his ways. When it comes to sounding unconfident, don't worry! There are going to be a lot of situations in life that make you and me unconfident in the gospel, but we need to stand firm in our faith and believe the Jesus Christ, the Son of God, suffered a death we deserved to die, in atonement for the sins of this world. I hope this helped, and I'm sorry I rambled on! I will be praying for him, and that God will use him in miraculous ways.


@ALittleLamb08 Sure... I will. That's sad to hear


*Me trying to fight the urge to highlight every single word in my Bible*


            The struggle is real 
            But color coding is a good idea! The problem is that I always lose my stationary, including my highlighters 


@ALittleLamb08 YESSSS
            I color-coded my highlighting, and there are so many verses I run into that I’m like “this should be highlighter in yellow- no pink- wait blue- but it’s so true for purple”
            It’s a problem XD