Just a little (actually pretty big) life update for those who care:
I’ve recently been offered pretty much a full ride scholarship to a D1 college soccer team, who, at one point this season, have been top 24 in the nation, which is amazing considering there are about 310 teams in D1 college soccer. I’ve accepted, and am super blessed and thankful for the doors God has opened for me. It hasn’t been easy, physically and mentally. I come from a very small club so getting noticed by colleges who were only looking at the alphabet soup teams (ECNL, ECRL, GA, etc) was hard. But I’m living proof that it is possible to go far without playing for the rich privileged clubs. All you need is faith, grit, perseverance, dedication, and passion. God has given me dreams to go pro and I will do everything I can to make it there. But it’s His timing, not mine. For now, I will enjoy my time at my new university and develop both as a player and also as a person and daughter of Christ. Please pray that I will keep my trust in God and His plan for me, and that I will grow to be a light for His kingdom in the cutthroat world of sports.
Feel free to chat anytime! Love you all <333