Just wanting to rant as it has happened to me way to many time this week and I hope that it’s not just me who experience’s it.
Please if your going to write a story but don’t update for over a year then either post that it’s going on hiatus or say it’s discontinued. It’s so annoying to read a story only to reach the end and see it hasn’t been updated in years. Especially since I lose interest easily because on my adhd. I understand that you get writer’s block or lose interest in the story/fandom but if you leave it alone for so long or don’t plan returning then at least do something so us readers know. Hell if you no longer want to write the story then maybe give permission for someone else to take over if you are ok with that.
I mean I have had so many ideas for a story but refuse to post a single chapter until the entire thing is done (not saying that others have to do the same, because then we’d never have anything new) because 1 I’ve never been good at writing, 2 I know that I’ll lose interest as I’m writing because on reason 1, and 3 it’s now going on six years since I started to write my own story (based on a book series I read) and I’m not even a quarter of the way through the first book.
If you made it this far then thanks for reading my rant, feel free to rant about it or anything that I may have missed or haven’t experienced as well here if you want to.