This world contains many people.
Some see it very black and white-there are good and bad people in this world.
This is not wrong.
But there is so much more than just bad and good. There are those who are petty, there are those who victimize themselves, those who manipulate other, those who feel so deeply insecure that they must put others beneath them to feel in control.
This is a lot of bad, one may think, and that is not wrong.
But this is not all that there is, in this world.
I try to believe that every day-that there is still good. This world isn’t just slowly tying to wear down it’s inhabitants.
It gets more difficult because of the bad, of course, but I think I’ve learned a valuable lesson.
Those that manipulate, that spew out words because of pettiness, can’t hurt me or others if they are ignored. It’s almost like they’re a child and will simply lose interest after awhile. It’s difficult because words are often provokative and those that they scathe often want justice or confirmation that there will be punishment for their transgressions.
There often isn’t any-but there is satisfaction in being the bigger person sometimes..
This has turned into one of my in real life rambles, I think. XD.
I’ll end with this then.
Be yourselves, Chicken Nuggets, because the world shouldn’t have the satisfaction of wearing you down, now should it?