
Guys! So im annoying i know, but i was just wondering if you could go read my husband, @User26231076 's book, 'I Think I Have A Glitch', its really good! Its a ShinKami ship and his writing is awsome, i would be so thankful if you did, yes he can see this ÒwÓ, and jellybean, no be mad- T~T


@Littlefirestar12 no, me myself and I have made the collective desition to just- give up for the rest of the night


Guys! So im annoying i know, but i was just wondering if you could go read my husband, @User26231076 's book, 'I Think I Have A Glitch', its really good! Its a ShinKami ship and his writing is awsome, i would be so thankful if you did, yes he can see this ÒwÓ, and jellybean, no be mad- T~T


@Littlefirestar12 no, me myself and I have made the collective desition to just- give up for the rest of the night


Ayo this is nagito from among us yesterdayyyyy


            Sorry that took so long


this message may be offensive
            I got my shit back so i can friend you now :D


This will probably be the only time i ask something like this, but will you guys please go and follow my Husbando? He needs more love! His user is quite literally @User26231076 yes i have summoned him- >:D


@Littlefirestar12 nah, I was changing also, throw cat nip at me my cats will just lick it off me


Heyo! I know i said this last time i posted something but this time I'm actually going and doing it like right now- I'm starting to re-write my fan-fic 'I tried', sorry i haven't done anything with that in a while i just didn't know how i wanted everything to connect- but i think I've figured it out now! So imma go work on that, but i have one question, I've seen stuff about a scheduled shut down for wattpad- when exactly is this supposed to happen? Or has it already happened-? Sorry I'm a stupid bean XD oh! And I'll be going back to talking in my PMs soon- and I'm very sorry for not replying or saying hello to any of you guys-


if I understand English honey and don't worry <33


            Oop- XD- sorry and sure!


            Dm? Sorry I'm kinda stupid XD


calm you are not uncomfortable at all, do you think you speak by dm?


Ok- i just realised how long that last post was- no one has to read it but if you do it would feel appreciated! And if your having trouble with anything i would suggest you read around the third sentence to the middle and a little before the end- sorry I'm a scatter brain-