
OMFG 270 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THANKS FOR 260 followers!!! I still remember getting so excited when I got my first thank you for all the love and support you guys have given me over my time here. Also I try to follow back all my followers if I missed you please tell me and I will follow you ASAP!!


Have a awesome day! Remember to always have a metal kneecap destroyer by you at all times to remind others to have an awesome day too!
          p.s. I love you!


            Delete those neko neko kneecaps


Aww thank you I love you too


Hi this is a little more serious. Say you messed up and a friend got hurt in the process despite it being better for them in the long run. Now say that you just saw see person after they hadn’t come into school for months and you instantly when into a panic attack. You couldn’t stop shaking and everything you ate just felt like you were going to sick it back up. How would you cope. How would you get over the guilt that playges you everyday of your petty existence. Please in need some help. I can’t cope with this much longer.


Thank you sooo much


@Littlemissniffler maybe try and talk to said person ? If they won't talk to you maybe try another friend ? I've only had a panic attack once so I'm not sure what triggers it but I think it would help to just explain your side of the story and why it's better for the other person in the long run, PM me if you need to talk to a non bias person