
Happy pride month! I wore a pride flag to school and someone told me I’m going to get beat up for it


this message may be offensive
          So me and my family decided to do fire works for Victoria Day(I’m Canadian) tonight, and did a bunch of research into legalities and stuff. What we were doing was all legal and stuff if we did it on our own property; which we did.
          Not even 5 fireworks in, A GUEST of our neighbours(who we asked permission to do this, they gave the okay and even came out and watched) THREATENS TO CALL THE POLICE. Because my family is super unconfrontational, we went inside. This one asshole ruined something that I have been looking forward to FOR THREE MONTHS. THATS HOW LONG WE PLANNED THIS, THATS HOW LONG WE RESEARCHED. AL THAT TIME FUCKING WASTED.