
So good news! I'm going to start writing again! I may not be abel to finish Ai Laik Sonraun, but I have other ideas that I'm writing and hopefully i get to finish this time :P well that's it for this time! Stay awesome dear followers!


So good news! I'm going to start writing again! I may not be abel to finish Ai Laik Sonraun, but I have other ideas that I'm writing and hopefully i get to finish this time :P well that's it for this time! Stay awesome dear followers!


Hey! quick question to my followers: I was wondering if I should write about my experience with bullying and how i survived being a victim of bullying, or if I should just let it be? But I don't know, so please come with advice or something like that ;) 
          Stay awesome dear followers!
          -Love Life <3


haha its funny hoe things change huh.. i said i was going to write a book one and a half year ago, well i did start on in. got to the second chapter and ran out of things to write about. so i put it of. until i recently started watching the 100 and came up with an idea! so i actually started on a book and hopefully i will get i done soon enough! its called ai ste Life, i am life. hope you enjoy 
          -love life