hi tasha
Bonjor what up ;)
So i was wondering, if i made a facebook account for Dominic from my story Falling in Love with a Billionaire, would you add him to get latest updates secrets and photos?
<3 M_W
@EmoCookie I used to be obsessed with all kinds of chocolate.. Then I found out I was lactose intolerant.. D| So I can't really have anything with milk anymore;;; So technically the character Rachel in my story represents me.. She has the same name and everything xD
I like em all, but I agree the old episodes are tha best. They just rock... Although I don't really like chocolate but I do like chocolate ice cream if that helps;)
@EmoCookie ffffffff.. -snorts- xD
Spongebob rocks.. I like the old episodes the most~ Especially the chocolate one.. CHOOCOLAAATE! CHOCOLAAATE! -runs around with a chocolate bar in her hand- =w=
We will totally be shy together, how that will work I dont know. Do you love Spongebob too? He is amazing I mean he is a spinge who lives in the sea you think he'd be fat from absoption but noooooo... hehe:)
Hey there fellow Spongebob lover~ |D
Read your posts in the 'shyness isn't the best quality' thread.. I'm also shy as heck, so let's be shy together~