
Hey everyone! The new update for 'Trapped in the Bermuda Triangle' is out! Please follow CreepaQueen she is amazing and so is her story, 'A Creepers Story'! Please vote/comment on her story and follow her! Thanks guys and have an awesome day/night!


Hey guys! I'm so so so so so sorry I haven't updated yet! I promise I will soon, but in the meantime you guys need to follow this girl named CreepaQueen, and read her story! She just joined the Wattpad community and she needs followers! She is super nice and her story is amazing!!! Thanks guys!


I made some changes to Trapped in the Bermuda Triangle, so please go check out the note marked !IMPORTANT PLZ READ! Also if you are reading my story as of 5/17/16 you don't need to worry about that note mentioned above:) Thanks guys! Have an awesome day/night!


Thanks for all the reads and votes everyone! First comment on the story was from digger1975. Thanks so much for your comment!!!!! I'll be updating my story later tonight, I hope your all excited to see what happens! Well, that's all! Have an awesome day/night everyone!