Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I've been trying to think over everything I'm thankful for, but honestly, I could only think about the things I take for granted - and those are everything I could never see missing in my life without some sort of emptiness remaining.
I'm thankful for my grandparents, for my family, for the good health of me and my loved ones.
I'm thankful for living - for my sister living, despite our trials.
I'm thankful for @_Palenomian especially, for her existence in my life and her friendship, which means the world to me. Even if she's on the other side of the world, she's made a huge impact on my perspective and she's never given up on being friends with me even when I don't deserve one. Our banters, co-writing, fangirling, character growth, all of it... has been wonderful and I honestly couldn't thank her with enough amount of gratitude she deserves.
I'm also thankful for @JamieMc and many other wattpad writers for their support. Jamie especially for being as selfless as she is. She deserves so much more than a niceness medal - she deserves a parade, or a party, or whatever it is her heart desires! It should be gifted to her!
But down to the point - I'm thankful to be thankful about many things. There is so many times where I am selfish (as a human can be at times) and negative. That if it wasn't for everyone in my life I probably couldn't be positive this day, in the present. Thank you everyone.