@Spam526 Absolutely no problem at all! My pleasure, and aw that's so sweet, your comment has really brightened my suckish day haha thank you so much! :)
@Spam526 Absolutely no problem at all! My pleasure, and aw that's so sweet, your comment has really brightened my suckish day haha thank you so much! :)
Thank you so much for the brilliant critique on my story. I wish I could repay you in every way possible, but things are a little limited on Wattpad. :( But anyway, I noticed that one of your goals is to write book reviews for the New York Times. Nothing's impossible if you can dream, remember that!
Just wanted to say I noticed your critiques on CarleyAnn's "Rise of the Titans," and I'm impressed. I had to read your comments before making my own to keep from repeating what you said, only to find you'd done a much better job than I had. XD