I draw inspiration from people such as Poe and Robert Frost, my variation of preference in what I read is immense. When I grow up (yes I am a younger teenager, please do not let that demean what you think of me) I would enjoy perusing a career in either journalism or poetry. I constantly am reading new material, and I have a strong opinion on most things and I will be brutally honest with anyone. Please follow me! I would love to hear your feedback :) regardless of whether or not it's positive.

"I will love myself despite the ease with which I lean to the opposite" --Shane Koyczan (poet, former bully and victim)

I draw inspiration from the tragedy I suffer at home, instead of letting it affect me in a negative way I choose to write about it. One day, I hope someone who doesn't have it easy either reads my work and feels as though someone else understands. With that said not everything I write on here is something I've personally been through, so please keep that in mind previous to assumption that I am being abused in any way at all. I write about things most people keep hidden away, like that ugly Christmas sweater your grandma gave you, or that happy family portrait photo only you and those who are also in it know is simply a façade.

~This is a place where I don't feel alone
  • انضمApril 2, 2013

الرسالة الأخيرة
Living_tragedy Living_tragedy Apr 03, 2013 07:39PM
should I post the next part of my novel "that home"? :s 
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