
Hey Beautifuls! Long time no see? My schedule has been hectic for the last few months. However, I managed to write another part to my book "In love hopelessly" the second book to "In love recklessly."  Remember to read and check it out. Adíos Mí compadrés!


Happy belated birthday and yass gurl Capricorns stand up others zodiac signs sit down while we walk Though but ayyeee mine dat 28 of


@promise10 ommmgg thanks! ! I am like utterly late. Like months. I deleted the app this whole time. Yess we are the Queens of the zodiac chart


December ^*


Hey Beautifuls! Long time no see? My schedule has been hectic for the last few months. However, I managed to write another part to my book "In love hopelessly" the second book to "In love recklessly."  Remember to read and check it out. Adíos Mí compadrés!


Please read my second book of "in love recklessly".. It's now called "in love hopelessly" I will only continue writing if I get feedback from my followers or anyone who comments. Thanks beautifuls!


@1alicia1 I need more motivation from my followers! "In love hopelessly" is the second book to"in love recklessly" I need more views for that one but thanks for reading it. You're truly amazing:)


@LiyahJohnson2  please update soon , ive been waiting forever! !!!


Hey beautiful!, please make sure to continue to read my story "In love recklessly ". I will be updating soon.  ALSO, whoever wants me to read your Story please inbox me. You can also inbox me about anything else. I give great advice! :)