
Hello people!!!
          	If you want an amazing story with all types of twists and turns go check out @tarasplace her story The Side Effects Of Being Ellie it amazing! 
          	She also has another quite different story on a kidnap which turns into a romance, but not in the way you think called Accidental Love, so go fellow reader and check them out!!!


Hello people!!!
          If you want an amazing story with all types of twists and turns go check out @tarasplace her story The Side Effects Of Being Ellie it amazing! 
          She also has another quite different story on a kidnap which turns into a romance, but not in the way you think called Accidental Love, so go fellow reader and check them out!!!


@TestingBoundaries I have always been a fan of teacher/student books and saw that a favourite writer of mine had suggested your work so thought well give it ago and you have me intruged how this story will turn out!!! Especially with how you have started this and only tagged romance and have it as r rated leaves us all


It's not gonna be "smut," as people call it, but rather, a teacher/student romance that's actually realistic :) It's simple, and it's not, and I'm so glad that you're taking time to read it! I'm really glad you're intrigued, so far ;p