
Hi there! Thanks so much for following my page and checking out "Candidate." You've got me curious about Medium. I've got know idea what it is. Do you like it?


Thanks for checking out "Candidate" and voting :)


@LizellaPrescott Sounds like an interesting place to publish my flash fiction/short stories/poetry/essays. Thanks!


@elaroadshow So nice to hear from you! Medium is a blogging platform with a small fiction & poetry writing category. It skews a but older than Wattpad (20s and 30s) and favors short stories over serial fiction. IMO the best way to engage with Medium is submitting to its various publications--popular options for fiction are The Coffeelicious, The Weekly Knob, and This Glorious Mess. I've met a lot of writer-friends on Medium, and IMO it's a great place for short fiction. Serials don't work as well because the Medium algorithm won't always show your followers all your updates (e.g., you may have 10K followers but only 100 see your new post). Hope this helps!


Hello lovely!
          Thanks for the follow! (Well, you really do look serious about writing. Wish I had that conviction xD) Looks like you joined #NBR ! Yay. Welcome to the club, sweetie.
          I hope that you'd give my stories a chance if you get the time. If not, its still okay :)
          Have a Happy New Year :)
          Now go be awesome...


@Debismita Thanks so much for the kind welcome! I'm new to wattpad and #NBR, and still figuring it all out. Have a wonderful New Year yourself :)