
It has been a quite amount of time since the last I updated and I am so sorry for unpublishing (TERW)
          	Since I have thought that it was quite cringe so I decided to upload it again with new and different details..
          	And to make up for this I will publish a new book called (TMP)  The modern princess stay tuned miloves!


It has been a quite amount of time since the last I updated and I am so sorry for unpublishing (TERW)
          Since I have thought that it was quite cringe so I decided to upload it again with new and different details..
          And to make up for this I will publish a new book called (TMP)  The modern princess stay tuned miloves!


okay so it's been a while since I posted and to make it worse the chapter I posted was very short TwT sorry abt that
          I promise I will try to post chapters more longer and faster so please wait for the next update^^.


Hi! So its been awhile since the last time I updated and I'm still not sure when I will since my school works piling up but when I get my free time next week I will update the next chapter and  sorry for the delay.❤️⌚


@Grangervonlumiere  thank you for understanding 


@Grangervonlumiere don't rush. Take your time on your school work since its more important then you can write chapters on your free time.


Hi! Saw you get inspired by me and was delighted! Though your fanfiction is good, all you need is " , using that allows the readers to understand that your characters are talking^^
          Not only that, though the pace of the story is quite quick, you must not really rush, the readers will get quite bored as the story progresses and won't need an update as it seems as it's finished (trust me), just a friendly advice<3


            I do recommend you to have a chart ready. A chart is like a plot board for you to understand and extend your story. Also, do take note of which chapter you will end the fanfic. Take, for example, chapter 30 is where it ends, chapter 10 is where the characters get together and etc. To add, describe what's happening to each character, take for example:
             Melissa pondered over the change that was happening to the world. It was changing rapidly that even she can not comprehend what was happening. Emotions were stirring inside of her. Her home. Her beloved home was being destroyed by the cataclysmic power. "N_No... How can this be... This wasn't meant to happen!" (It sounds cringe lol.)
            Oh and also Grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling are important, so use Grammarly. If you don't have it, just make sure in every sentence that you think needs a comma, please do add^^
            But in total, you are already doing great!^^


@kaykaylagab and I'll also try to do a revision <3


@kaykaylagab don't worry I have plans for the story believe me I'm just having a hiatus for a moment trying to make up for my writing skills and thinking of plots I could do hence this  is only the beginning but thank you for telling me <3. 
             I appreciate it! And if you have any recommendations for plots please tell me and can you please help me correct all of my mistakes TwT (word mistakes is because of my keyboard)