Heyyy I just wanted to check up you :) I might be wrong, but I feel like you haven't been very active on Wattpad in a little while, and I know I tend to disappear from life when I'm struggling so I wanted to make sure you're okay. How are you?? Xxx

@Lizzel234 Awww I'm glad you're alright now xx You're strong, and I admire that x hope you did well on your exams!! Yes, I'm okay, and LOVE YOU TOO hehe <333

@bubbasquish09 hi love! Thank you so much for checking up upon me. I really appreciate it. I was really not well that's why I disappeared suddenly plus i had my semester's final exams so i was kind of on a thread between everything. But now I'm better and I really appreciate you! Love you so much and I hope you are alright too!