
New year new pfp


-unrolls your sushi-


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Okay I ain’t the best writer, I’m pretty dog shit honestly but like I have a question for other writers. Why don’t you space your paragraphs?
          Like idk if a run on paragraph is a thing but that would be a run on paragraph lmao.
          I’m not expecting people to write professionally but like at least space your paragraphs so it’s easier to read and you don’t get lost.


It’s not as easy as it seems T-T I ALWAYS BE TRYIN TO GET EM SPACED but not to far or to short T-T


@Torch_Head lmao you’re good
            I do that all the time


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I fucking hate rereaders on Wattpad. Why the fuck do you have to spoil the whole fucking book for the people who have never read it? You wouldn’t want someone to spoil a show or movie you never read why spoil a book? It’s the same thing!
          Sorry for that rant. I just really hate mfs who spoil shit. Like great you got to read/watch it in peace NOW LET EVERYONE ELSE DO IT YOU DIPSHIT!


@Liam_wants_nuggies yeah I guess I get it. I just got used to it, but if someone doesnt want to be spoiled something it makes sense. Maybe wattpad could add like a spoiler tag for example like how you can spoiler stuff on discord.


@Torch_Head Lmfaoo I try not to care but it’s just so annoying sometimes 


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@Liam_wants_nuggies lmao, meanwhile me who gives 0 shit about spoilers. (maybe cause Im so used to seeing them I just take them as part of my life)