
no way I just remembered this account exists after three years.


this message may be offensive
I saw her with him. She looked happy, in love even. He had his arms around her waist, she same way used to hold her. When she hugged him she ran her hands up his shirt; she was feeling his warmth. I know this because she would do the same with me. When he kissed her I wanted to pull him off, and say she was mine. I wanted to hurt him for holding her like I did, but instead it hurts me. I lay awake at night wondering if she does things with him, the same things we did. I wonder if she plays guitar for him, and sings him songs she wrote herself. I wonder if she plays with his hair, or wakes him up with kisses. She probably watches the rain with him while reading Courtney Peppernell. It hurts knowing he sleeps in the same spot I used too. Her parents probably love him, and welcome him like family. He cooks dinner with her mom and talks about the future with her dad. He gets along her her little siblings and has secret handshakes with them. Their love story is probably just a rerun of the one we made. I won’t believe otherwise. That’s our love, he’s just playing the part. She told me she’d never leave, yet here we are. I hate it. God it really fucking hurts.


I hate the way I can’t get over you. I hate the fact that your scent still lingers on the clothes you’ve returned to me, and still how intoxicating it is. I hate the fact that I miss hearing you play my piano, even though you sucked at it. I hate the fact that I can’t bring myself to change your contact name, to me you’re still my love. Most of all, I hate the way I still envision your body clinging to mine. You used to lay with me till your eyelids became heavy, and your breath became steady. I miss hearing your heart speed up when I’d lay my head on your chest. Your cheeks would go pink whenever I kissed you. I miss those little moments. Your jewelry laying around my room. The little notes you'd leave on my pinboard. I hate that I still need you, and I despise the fact that you don’t care.