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Okay, it's been like, a long time since I've said anything here. I really want to write stories again but my writing sucks complete ass. But well, it wouldn't hurt to start writing and try to improve... But this account is fucking dead. Literally. So I think I'll move Wattpad accounts to write stories. And since I'm into South Park I'll probably try writing some stories for it as soon as I get to know the characters better. And those of you who had been following me for X Readers that wasn't me who was writing them, that was my sister, Nat-The-Black-Cat (who writes ten times better than me). She writes beautifully. And to be honest, X Readers fucking suck since I prefer canon x canon characters, and they are just something to make lonely, and horny people's fantasies come true, not saying that I'd judge anyone for liking/writing them but to me, they just suck and are fucking weird, I fucking hate them.... So don't fucking follow me for that shit. Please, X Readers are fucking garbage to me... If any reason I'd read X Readers, it's for the writing. My sister's writing specifically. I intend to move accounts here. Because I don't want to have people that follow me and remember me for that garbage. I draw most of these days now rather than write, if interested into seeing my recent art, go check me out on DeviantArt. My username is Elizabeth-Senpai. If I do get into writing, I'll just be using my OWN art for my stories, because I really don't like using other people's art. I just find it rude to be using them, especially without permission... But yeah. I guess that's it. I'll move out of here eventually. For now, I'll just stay here being dead and reading gay shit. Bye.

@Lizzy-Senpai I'm insanely late, but I hope you can still read this. Your writing is amazing. I got literal goosebumps from Moonlight Kill. Just your friendly PSA.

@Yonnani Yeah and the Reader really does bend the feelings of the characters, like you should treat them like they are an actual character, not just someone who is meant to be someone else's love interest. Like, make the character develop their relationship with the Reader, make them feel like well, they're bonding with an actual person. Now that's what I'd call a good X Reader and something I can enjoy reading, even if I have a strong hate for X Readers. Again, not saying I'll go against anyone who loves X Readers, I respect people who enjoys writing them, and those who enjoy reading them. It's just that well, it's not my cup of tea, or bottle of Coke Cola rather. And I have seen a little bit of DeltaRune, it's boring to me, but I guess it's because I hadn't seen the whole game yet, so who knows, maybe I'll change my mind about it. So, maybe I'll get into it, but not now.