
hello, there people as you may not know there has been a problem at home, and now I'm grounded from my phone so yes this will be stilled continue also this is another account that I'm using for a while until I get my phone back but doesn't mean this is going to have anything written as ima be doing that only on my phone and note that I forgot my logins for my phone so ima be using this account on the computer until I get my phone back and that will most likely be around Monday or Tuesday also after I get to episode 5 of murder drones place on the first series then ima go and do a y/n H.U.N.K or known as human.unit.never.killed in spider man into/across the spider verse also quick question should it be where you are just a soul trapped in a suit like the pilots of titanfall1 and 2 or just be regular HUNK costume ? really love the feedback and yes watttpad this is the person who created this account >:(



@Lizzy1574 sorry I unfollow you  but accidentally 


@Braydenwarren639 thank you also you do good for drawing maybe we can work together if you want to. I love to give and take ideas, would you be up to it? Also these are amazing pictures btw you should definitely be able to impress people with these as they are really good like holy are they good.