Hi, I'm Lizzy Afton, and this is my Wattpad account. I am decent at playing some video games. But some other video games, I'm really competitive. I'm proud to be part of the LGBTQ+ community (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans(male/female),Queer , gaming/gamer community, and so on. I love to watch anime, draw, sing, watch YouTube, play a guitar, collector of Pokèmon and DBZ (Dragon Ball Z) trading card games, a little bit of a voice-actor (but I'm not working as a voice-actor, yet) and can read manga books (from right to left books) and regular books (from left to right), i follow back if u follow me or not
  • Somewhere in the world
  • Đã tham giaMay 6, 2018

Tin nhắn Cuối cùng
LizzyAfton15 LizzyAfton15 Apr 12, 2020 06:23PM
happy easter every1
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Truyện của dakota afton
Requests for X Reader bởi LizzyAfton15
Requests for X Reader
This is for my YouTuber's x Reader book, and other X reader books that I might want to write. It can be in th...
A/N's bởi LizzyAfton15
This will be where I'm going to be putting all of my updates or upcoming events or something like that in her...
18 Danh Sách Đọc