
I'm gonna stop RPing for tonight guys. See ya in the morning!


To whom it may concern, I'm at the age where I'm still in school, so if I go inactive for large portions of the day I'm probably just at school. Yes, I do still want to roleplay with you, but my teachers wouldn't be too happy if I just pulled out my phone in the middle of class and got on Wattpad. Tanks for understanding! (And for your information, I meant to say tanks instead of thanks, it's kinda my thing.)


@LizzyGirl135 lord bless you have great day at school


Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi


What's up what's up what's up what's up?


Hey guys, this is my new account.  Ill make it look exactly like my old account, I just wanted to start over.  Ill rewrite all the books on my old account that I want to keep, so if you still wanted to read those you can. Thanks for understanding guys!