The normies have kidnaped @unepetitefleurnoire, she's currently in deep sleep after being rescued...
p.s. the stories still exist somewhere don't worry!!
I will miss my babygirl Iykyk
The normies have kidnaped @unepetitefleurnoire, she's currently in deep sleep after being rescued...
p.s. the stories still exist somewhere don't worry!!
I will miss my babygirl Iykyk
Thank you for voting on Bonded by insanity^^ I shall now give you a novelty mustache and my personal favorite a rubber ducky that quacks!
I hope you have a wonderful day/night!
-With lots of friendly love Randi <3
Does anyone know the name of a yoomin fic.
Jimin have a teddy bear name Benedict bekenson or something like that and youngi keep on messing up with the name. I read it but I forgot it, all I remember is that it have Socks in the name lol .
The fact that im going to church today and i stayed up until 6:00 in the morning shows how crazy i am. Should i even go to sleep. I need a better sleep schedule.
Ayyy you discovered my sleep schedule! You deserve a sticker! Great job!
It’s probably best to go have a shower to wake up more, otherwise you’ll finally fall asleep and you’ll be in a rush for church.
To people who say "the world use to be a beautiful place" b!cth when, like have you ever open a history book? HUMAN HAS ALWAYS BEING TRASH AND THAT'S NOT SOMETHING THAT'S GONNA SOON.
Hey beautiful human.
Just wanted to say I love you. Even though we might be thousands of miles apart and I might not know you that well,I am here for you.You are amazing and don't let anybody tell you different.You deserve all the hugs in the universe.