
Chapter 7 is published!


hey guys. So, I worked until after 4 in the morning editing the prologue and the first two chapters of this story to have it ready to publish today. All day I kept getting anxiety about publishing it. This is after all my first update on here since back in June. I worried all day, that if I publish this, I'll lose the spark and the muse and It will be disapointing to my readers I also had anxiety about my readers being upset that instead of something they've been waiting on an update for, I publish something new. But You guys know by now I always follow the muse and I finally decided to take a leap and publish This is the first time I've been truly excited about anything I've wrote since October and I hope you guys enjoy it. My brain is still very much on the mend. But I do hope this is a sign of better days to come. 
          <3 much love. 


bit of a life update here. 
          My brain is sick, I've been in a consistent bipolar depressive episode since the end of October. I've found very little joy in anything I try to create lately. For three months, I've been fighting a war inside my own head. I have moments of what I call "Clarity" when I'm more myself, those days I focus on writing, whereever the muse takes me and its left me with half written chapters for several stories, and so many new projects started that will likely never see the light of day (Or my wattpad account lol..) 
          My doctor believes my bipolar depression has reached crisis level. I'm not going to lie, it definitely feels that way. My doctor wanted to have me admitted for my safety but I begged her to just let me try increasing the dose on my medications and see how that works, I hadn't seen her since September because my job kept changing my work schedule. If the meds don't work, I have no choice but to be admitted for my own safety. 
          I just wanted to say that I really appreciate everyones patience when it comes to updates. I know its been literally months since my wattpad has seen any updates and I know as readers you all must be very frustrated. 
          So I want to thank the ones of you who have reached out to me, noticing my absence from Wattpad, and even the ones who may not have noticed that I have been missing thank you for your patience. 
          Realistically, I do not have a time frame for when I will get an actual full chapter of anything uploaded and I ask that you all continue to be patient with me while my brain and heart heal. 
          I have a facebook group, that a few of you are in specifically for my wattpad followers. If anyone needs to reach out to me, this is the best place to do it as I don't get wattpad notifications on my phone anymore, and the messaging system on wattpad has apparently vanished. 
          Thank you All, 
          Much Love
          Your friendly neighborhood Llama.


@LlamaLoyd Please take your time take care of yourself too


Hey @LlamaLoyd how are you it’s been awhile since you last updated 


@LlamaLoyd okay thanks for letting me know. Hope things can come down for you soon


@canderloro hey so sorry for the late response. My wattpad app doesn't give me notifications anymore so I just now saw this. I am doing well, I've just been massively busy with work. My schedule keeps changing as I keep getting up-skilled. I have been working on some stories here and there when the muse comes! I'm hoping to have some sort of update out very soon. At least for Legends! But I've been working on a little bit of everything from Web to Take it To the limit. I just don't have any finished chapters to update at the moment! 
            Thank you for checking in! ❤️


Okay so I have fallen down the rabbit hole that is AI generation lol. It is actually really cool that I can enhance my readers experience with AI generated music that goes along with my fics. 
          Especially the ones where the OCs are musicians like Lyric and Ronnie. 
          I have almost an entire album of original songs that I've generated for Ronnie and I am working on some for Lyric as well  Some of them have some of my own original lyrics in them which is kind of cool seeing things that I write come to life with the power of AI (especially considering I have absolutely no musical talent xD) I'm also working on some cover songs for both of them too. 
          That being said I have made themes for Teach Me To Love, A Fire Inside and What a Tangled Web you weave. 
          I even generated AI images of Colin and Blake for the Teach Me to Love one. 
          The Teach Me to Love and A Fire Inside themes are posted on my wattpad tiktok! Here's the TMTL one! I hope you guys enjoy. 


I know I don't have a lot of people following me on here that read my Chicago Med fic, Legends. (This likely being because  that most of you follow me for my OUAT content lol)  But I had the craziest dream the other night, that had the cast of chicago med in it but, it was like a supernatural dream with witches and werewolves and its really made me want write an AU with Ronnie and Crockett from Legends, but it takes place in Louisiana and Ronnie is a werewolf hunter. 
          I've already wrote a short prologue and made a cover, but I don't want to post it on here, because its.. a crazy idea I know..but I don't want to waste time posting it on here if no one is going to read it xD I think only one person reads Legends as is.  So show of hands who is interested? Comment below and let me know.