so, just yesterday, I got tagged by @danjackmarkpewdsFNAF for a "taggy time" she or he Idk did it to me. I'm gonna do it to another 25 people so let's start. 1 @Sara_kawii14 2 @kitiliisu 3 @gamerzgirl1101 4 @Allie_BVB 5 @with0ut name 6 @die-with-me 7 @Obsessed_with_Things 8 @i_paint_with_blood 9 @Obsession_With_Eyes 10 @sleeping_with_dead 11 @Words_With_Power 12 @obsession_with_bands 13 @Play-with-knives 14 @going-with-the-wind 15 @Infinity_with_you 16 @walking_with_wolves 17 @sleeping_with_LashTon 18 @All_Night_with_R5 19 @girl_with_Questions 20 @ with_her_forever 21 @boy_with_no_life 22 @fly_with_me_please 23 @Dreams-with-WishBear 24 @Im_cool_with_it 25 @mayy_mayy88 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I didn't put these people in any specific order, there's only one person on this list I know IRL and that's @mayy_mayy88 she's my best friend. anyway yea