
Hi guys
          	I'm sorry for being MIA for the past 3 months and I'll be MIA during this month as well. 
          	A lot of things have happened in my life. And, all of them have had a great impact on my life and my mental health as well. 
          	I just hope you guys wait for just a bit more. Once I'm back, I'll do my best not to disappoint you. 
          	Hopefully you guys understand. 
          	Thank you. 


Heyyyy how’s life been?


@billieeillishslay I'm glad and sorry at the same time. Hopefully this Sunday I'll be able to update


Ooopsiesss  hope u get better soon<3333 ,
            Off topic but could we get a teeny weeny smolll sneak peak of what’s next on the storyline T-T . U don’t know I’ve I’ve acc read ur book like 8times now I just can’t keep it in me anymore ……   —O—


Hi guys
          I'm sorry for being MIA for the past 3 months and I'll be MIA during this month as well. 
          A lot of things have happened in my life. And, all of them have had a great impact on my life and my mental health as well. 
          I just hope you guys wait for just a bit more. Once I'm back, I'll do my best not to disappoint you. 
          Hopefully you guys understand. 
          Thank you. 


Ahhhh it’s been 3 months since u last updateddd I cannot take this anymore could u plzzzz update a new chapterrr *pretty please *


@billieeillishslay hii... How were your exams? 


I have literally reread the book like 4 times now but I lowkey need a new chapter


Hiiii, I hope ur doing well <3 . I just wanted to I from y that I won’t be able to read ur update for a few months now cuz u sim really important exams coming up . But once I’m done I’m gonna read all of ememmmm


@billieeillishslay boards???? Best of luck girlie!!!! I'll be ready for you to come back


Good morning! I woke up adoring your work suddenly. I'm about to go out to the bookstore and I was thinking of you. I hope your health is improving, get well soon. I'm buying a special someone a book for their birthday, it's very soon in January.. she will absolutely love it. Take care, girl! Mwah.


@Lmfao_arse Hey there! I'm so glad to hear from you. And yes, she is a blessing to me. There's no one else like her. Get some good sleep, girl! You need it to get better soon.


@Cornelious114 I really really really appreciate your msgs, makes my day! 
            And your friend is really lucky yo have you. She must appreciate you girlie! 


Today went as well as I expected. I've got crazy news. Just got discharged out of the hospital. But don't worry, it's nothing serious. I'll tell you all about it and my book idea when you're on! I've got my phone back with me so I can use apps again which is acceptable for my requests. I'll know when you're around. Holy crap!