
cry. vent. accept. adapt.


Awe-inspiring story? Fewer reads? Periodic comments? Not substantially enough popularity?
          Welcome to Nightingale's Lair | Book Club, Indian Legion's first-ever book club. If you feel that your story is not getting the attention it deserves, then you have come to the right place.
          This is the place where you will earn constructive and beneficial criticism from our well-experienced members. Votes and comments will be another privilege you will be receiving. And the best part? You will earn new and promising readers on Wattpad.
          This club precisely wants to bring out the most underrated books present in the beautiful kingdom of Wattpad. So what is stopping you from clicking on the link below? Go on, and discover the delightful chaos on Wattpad.



This is not your ordinary New Year Greeting. Let's be real.
          I hope (atleast it's me, I hope even you) that
          In following year you become more optimistic (I know there have been times of deep negativity), you find joy in the smallest of things and you make the little moments worth them.
          Let's hope you become more responsible, efficient and organized enough to prioritize your tasks, work and goals, so that you can finally achieve them. When you think that your achievement seemed to be too materialistic, try to enjoy the journey of achieving it. Trust the process whole heartedly and it will not let you down.
          Finally, when you are at the pinnacle of you success, don't forget the people who have helped you get through this. Be grateful.(Mann this was a lot of preaching) Let's wrap it up^_^
          Don't forget me when you scale heights!!!!!
          Wish you a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!