
Hi! I know it's been a while and you have forgotten who I'm am. If you have I wrote Gone With the Storm ( A Thor Fanfiction). My name if Emily if you wanted to know. I haven't been on Wattpad for a while now because I haven't had the confidence to keep writing. However I feel much better now, still a bit nervous but I'm here. I just wanted to know if you guys would like that sequel I have mentioned quite a few times (back in the day lol). Plus I am alway open to ideas for any book. If you want me to write anything different or just continue with the original plan. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not dead and letting you know that I'm ready. 


@Loading_FandomJoined reading the book a second time. Continue please! You can do it


@Loading_FandomJoined continue with the series!! I loved the first book


Hi! I know it's been a while and you have forgotten who I'm am. If you have I wrote Gone With the Storm ( A Thor Fanfiction). My name if Emily if you wanted to know. I haven't been on Wattpad for a while now because I haven't had the confidence to keep writing. However I feel much better now, still a bit nervous but I'm here. I just wanted to know if you guys would like that sequel I have mentioned quite a few times (back in the day lol). Plus I am alway open to ideas for any book. If you want me to write anything different or just continue with the original plan. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not dead and letting you know that I'm ready. 


@Loading_FandomJoined reading the book a second time. Continue please! You can do it


@Loading_FandomJoined continue with the series!! I loved the first book


Hi everyone. I know it has been like a thousand years since I last updated. But finally I have re-started When the Rain Comes. Hopefully this one is not being deleted. The first part is out and although it is out I am still up for reading all of your ideas. 


I know I have not updated in a couple thousand years, but i have caught up on school work and plus I don't know what to do. I would like you guys to give me some ideas. You're the readers and I want to write stuff that you enjoy. Would you like me to carry on 'Just give me a reason' or do you want me to do something else.