
you know what i need? i need more NSR fanfics on here, the ones with the OC elites mainly. Or a crossover, something please!! I'LL SELL MY LEFT NUT FOR A 20+ PAGE BOOK OF THAT JUST GIVE ME IT PLEASE-


mane im failing 2 classes and I need to raise 1 of them up to stay on track, but the classes im failing are science and math AKA the 2 that I have trouble focusing in cause the teachers dont TEACH anything and then when they do they give us these long as heck quizzes at the end of the week filled with questions they HAVEN'T TAUGHT US and MAKES THEM 50+ POINTS??? why must you torment me school :[


3 words can present itself in many different forms...
          "I love you", "I was wrong", "I hate you", "We're just friends", "I am sorry", "Leave me alone"...they all mean different things, but they can have 1 similar meaning as all: "Meaning is living", and living is a means we all shall cherish when we can.


booncin booncin booncin bahbah booncin booncin booncin bahbah booncin 
          booncin booncin bahbah booncin bahbah booncin bahbada


boonsika brown dun badabap dooPOW boonsika brown dun badabap dooPOW


this message may be offensive
my barber cut the shit out my head and forgot the rest of my hair so now Imma be walkin wit a patch of hair the shape of a McDonalds Big Mac cut out my hair cuh. He gave me a 100x59 Samsung Flastscreen for 5 dolla tho, so im finna say 7/10 bruh for real for real