
Mmmmmmmmmm birthday in a week


@LocalBardOfTheCreek happy early b-day! I’ll add it to my calendar :]


Mmmmmmmm GUYS GUYS GUYS as much as I adore my current theme as it's a dedication to my absolute favorite show ever, I really want to sorta rebrand this account into reflecting what I feel is my true calling. Being a local bard! So I was considering changing my username to like TheLocalBard or BardOfTheCreek or SofiaBardOfThecreek or something like that and then base my account around my calling. What you guys think?


@-Mystical_Rose- imma go with LocalBardOfTheCreek!


            Or SofiaTheBard
            Ya know just suggestions


GUYS GUYS GUYS I made new music that I wanna share with you all but please allow me to just gas myself up about it for a bit. 
          I see the world I'm a very strange way. I always have. It's always been more fantasy to me than what I feel it's given credit for. I see science and I believe in magic. I see brain science and I believe in magic words. And so to me, life is oe big RPG that's features are undervalued simply due to how accustom we are to it. 
          Anyway, through that, I kinda started giving context to that through my music and I did genuine research about real people and their spiritual history. 
          This song is one I'm very proud of because I really put my all into it so I hope you all enjoy it! Here's the link 


Merry Christmas y'all. Anthy gave me a 100 dollar gift card for PlayStation and that's the most anyone has ever spent on me and he's the only partner I've had that has given me any money so for him to do that in the same month that he buys me a Lego set and an engagement ring, is unbelievable.
          I don't talk enough about the good things he does but dear lord, I tire him out, work him like a dog and I'm a whole human chore and yet this dude decided to put money in my pocket instead of asking me to spend money on him. Turned my Christmas into a happy Christmas. I was spending Christmas alone and low-key depressed and then he just decided to give me the biggest gift he ever gave to anyone ever


@-Hxney_Bxx- thank you, the boy is a pain but we definitely tying the knot. Merry Christmas though I'm late


@JinxQueenOfTheCreek Engagement? Congrats!! Also Merry Christmas!!!


Mmmmmmmm I have a new song guys. Is it bad or good? I tried to do a my chemical romance sound for you guys but I probably failed at that. Also the song is in two different languages as all of my recent music has been of the olden tongue
          Let me know what you guys think please 


@JinxQueenOfTheCreek I would (somewhat) know! It takes a hell of a lot of work to make even a few seconds…
            Not only was it really good, but it was really high quality and it was obvious you spent a lot of time on it! :D


@JinxQueenOfTheCreek it’s really good :D trust me!!!!