


Up next is going to be very triggering. It also serves as the main reason behind my absence.
            And before I post it on Tumblr (Will send the post link here), trigger warning because it mentions self-harm.


The first few scenes of the first episode has been rewritten. Happy reading! 
          And just a heads up, I also made a  decision to delete the Intro and Credits sequence I made before this fic was released. It was very embarrasing, especially since I imagined this fic as a TV-Show itself, just like the series. That's why I added those, but with me adding some newer OCs, I don't think the events in the intro would be very accutate since there were lots and lots of changes in the plot. That's all.
          Oh! And I forgot to mention this but you can still access it, along with the older versions of the first three episodes, on ff.net! (Which makes sense since I'm no longer updating the fic in there."


I meant Fanfiction.net! Hehe.


Happy early new years goisss!
          And, guess who might get her motivation on writing back.... It's me!
          But I still don't know how long that motivation will last for...


Plus, it will take time, since it took me so long to regain my motivation in writing. Not to mention not being able to access most apps because my phone is stuch in. Ahem, safe mode.


Okay so here's an update:
          I decided to take my previous post into consideration and here is the thing.
          I'm sorry guys, but, the fic will be put on INDEFINITE HIATUS. This means that this fic will still continue, but there won't be any updates, for a while until my motivation for writing returns.
          As for the Halloween special, welp, it will no longer push through but its plotlines will not be scrapped for good. Instead, these plotlines will be used for the season 4B/1B (Hamada Family Arc) storyline!
          And that is all I can say. I'm sorry if this made some readers sad, but I had to make this choice. And NO! I will not delete my fic on Wattpad and Ao3.


I dont know...
          At this point, I'm starting to regret starting BH6:TRS when I don't have the urge and drive to write. And as said in the episode notes for episode 5, it states that this fic is back in hiatus till this October. Should I permanently discontinue that fic ?


*Right after episode 6