
Greetings! It’s me, Muriel, as you probably know. We can begin writing or coming up with rules or information as soon as you’re ready!


That all could work. I spend some time already looking at the NPCs for fun and I have like 7 heirs so I have some things to work with lol 


I’m not particularly knowledgeable about the NPCs, but I have an heir who fits with Beth and Ian, and if we use any of your heirs, you can find an NPC or a few that fit with their personalities! And age things [Like Haru being 12] could be negotiable, and if needed we can age up/use married/adult heirs.


We could write about both pre-existing and heirs, find some way to intertwine stories (slight worry about ages with the heirs, but if thats a situation we can maybe work with that) if we use pre-existing characters, which ones would we use? 