
Hey everyone!! Life update! Quite a bit has changed, starting with uhhh everything. I changed both my name and pronouns (Alistar he/they/it) i have discovered I am genderfluid and pansexual. In other news we got a new dog and his name is Koda. He is the sole reason for me existing so yeah. Also i got rlly into Scenecore lmfao. 


Hey everyone!! Life update! Quite a bit has changed, starting with uhhh everything. I changed both my name and pronouns (Alistar he/they/it) i have discovered I am genderfluid and pansexual. In other news we got a new dog and his name is Koda. He is the sole reason for me existing so yeah. Also i got rlly into Scenecore lmfao. 


It amazes me that we know of our own existence, and that we are capable of conciousness thought. We are thousands upon thousands of cells that are somehow capable of being sentient. And I love that we live for more than just survival, we live to have desires and fulfill those desires. It is so amazing, that we have curiosity that goes beyond "how does this work and is it dangerous" we are splitting atoms and exploring space! And even when we are fighting, even when humanity is divided, we all still have hearts beating in our chests and blood running through our veins. We experience emotions, we laugh we smile we cry and scream and shout and regret and it's all just so incredibly intricate that maybe, if one small thing was different about us, we wouldn't be sentient at all, or our only purpose would be survival. And yet here we are, with all these amazing abilities and us knowing and comprehending the fact that we are here, and we exist and we are thinking and feeling and hearing and everything! It's just so...wow.
          Ok, rant over.


You still active..?


@WholesomeSnek  I'm trying to be,  but life has kinda been screwing me over lately, but hopefully I'll be more active from now on


I just had a malicious idea for a book, y'all best be ready because tears will be shed and hearts will be destroyed to the point of no repair and you souls shall rot in the comments as you try your hardest not to wake your families with the noise of your uncontrollable sobs. (as you can see, angst will be involved)


Guess what, I am still writing this *evil laughter*


@LogicallyDecietful   hah! Jokes on you i cant cry (i mean i can but.....i didnt even cry when my grandfather died) but it will be the lowst of low if you kill any of them. 