
Hello everyone.
          	So here I am, finally back, i finished my finals two days ago.
          	This means that I have finally the time and the opportunity to work on unfinished projects. Well i haven't started yet but I may start soon.
          	So you can expect my upcoming story to be around the corner, it should be published in 3 months max, although if I really work on it, I may be able to finish and publish it in a week.
          	Lazy me I guess, and motivation issues. So if you want a hint, just demand it, i ain't saying anything.
          	Anyways I hope you have a good day. 


Have you finished Aftermath yet 
          So you can write the Windows X Aftermath story


@windowsfighter85 sorry to ask but, do you have discord or something? 


I haven't read it for months


@windowsfighter85 oh... Uh... Unfortunately I have to read it all over again


Hello everyone.
          So here I am, finally back, i finished my finals two days ago.
          This means that I have finally the time and the opportunity to work on unfinished projects. Well i haven't started yet but I may start soon.
          So you can expect my upcoming story to be around the corner, it should be published in 3 months max, although if I really work on it, I may be able to finish and publish it in a week.
          Lazy me I guess, and motivation issues. So if you want a hint, just demand it, i ain't saying anything.
          Anyways I hope you have a good day. 


Hello everyone, how long I've been out? About over 3 months? 
          Well I know it's going to be disappointing but i haven't written anything in the new story despite having a plan written.
          I have been busy with school. A lot happened in that time.
          So I still have the imagination, i just need to refresh it by watching windows animations.
          When am I going to write? Although I haven't done anything, I'm kind of demotivated? Yeah
          Am I lazy? Of course! It's obvious in my previous story!
          Remaster? Is that early? Hope don't forget that.
          Fun fact that, I did have a 3rd story that I've written for a special anniversary for 2 windows have same day. It was originally my first windows story I've ever written.
          And you can blame me, it's my fault :/
          Just like everything I wanted to do, it ended up same way but I come back one day with strong wave of brainstorm (and motivation).
          So yeah, that's all of the update of me in the past months, hope you have a great day.
          I'll give you a hint about it, it's sky and cloud related.
          And the main character is an old version windows.
          That's all for real. :)


Hey have you read my favorite part in Aftermath yet


I do have some, but I just need the best out of them


@windowsfighter85 yeah, i just need a good story and a lot of video editing practice so I make it good


@Loginaplaysisback yes you should do that that would be cool to see windows animations from you


Hey how are things going? How do you like Aftermath so far


@Loginaplaysisback  you’re almost to one of my favorite parts of the story


@windowsfighter85 by the way, I read more into aftermath and finished part 20. I loved it! Especially awkward France part!
            It's actually a fun story ngl. 


Hello, it's been a really long time, i just want to let you know that i can't do anything during school season so there's a good chance that I'll re-write the new story in mid year holiday (which is probably in late January).
          So yeah sorry about that. And see you later I guess. 


Hey why don’t you do a Windows meets Aftermath story. I bet Whistler and Switzerland would be great friends since they are both doctors. I think they should fight bad guys together that would be cool to see Switzerland and whistler fight bad guys together


@windowsfighter85 i know that I'm excusing that much but yeah I have a lot of school material so I don't have time to use my phone in general. Again idk when will I write. Anyways do you have any connections other than Wattpad? 


@Loginaplaysisback I can help you with the crossover 
            and don’t worry I can wait


And I didn't write my up coming story yet, I'm pretty busy with school stuff


Hello everyone, so my old account has been gone for some reason so that's why you couldn't find my story.
          I have good news though, the old story has been re-uploaded and despite of loss of the new upcoming story, i have written it's key points/scenes/conclusion so it's not completely lost, i just need to re-write it again.
          I'm sorry for hyping you up for the upcoming story and there's no precise time of it's release.
          Especially that my school will start very soon so I'll be busy.
          Anyways thank you for any of you who have read my old story and I apologize for any inconveniences.
          And have a good day :)