
Hey Loire, thank you for all your votes on Loving Minuet ❤️ much appreciated ❤️ good day/night ❤️


@Loire_L_Bay I'm humbled ❤️ much love


@ growingupinsane ...and thank you for writing such an inspiring and heart-warming piece of art! i thoroughly enjoyed this nuanced ride you took us on; it was an amazing escape from reality and i am sad to have binged it so quickly, but also n the other hand was way to captivated to not continue reading whenever i got some time 
            wishing you all the best for your present and future


@ GrandArkirah  no need to thank me, i am judging for one contest you take part in -and i am glad i did! came across some very good works i otherwise wouldn't have.. so thanks for sharing your story with the world and thanks for entering, i guess


Hallöchen und guten Abend! Thank you so much for adding "Burning Gods And Wicked Angels" to your reading list. This doesn't go unappreciated. Enjoy the rest of your read, if you've started it, and if you have yet to start, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks again! :D


@ darvruni  nen schønen guten morgen wůnsch ich! haven't started yet, still need to catch up with some ongoing stories in my lists, but since i was tidying up my current (way too long), reading list and your description caught my attention, its already there ^^ looking forward to dive into your universe


Hi I just wanted to stop by , and thank u for still continuing with my book.❤❤ It's gonna get lot more bloody in the upcoming chapters ☺☺I hope u continue ☺☺


@ lekro01  oh hey hi! i am judging the book for the fireworks awards and so far i am pretty hooked :) looking forward to what is to come, this world of yours is already epic! 


Thanks so much for reading and voting! I love your comments! Hope you'll enjoy the rest of the story and maybe the sequel as well!


@ CountOnIllusions   ....oh boy! i didn't even see your reply! i may be around here for a while now but i usually only check my library for updates or look for new stories - never checked any conversations or notifications until recently haha (^_^') 
            glad you enjoyed my babblings as much as i enjoyed your story!