

"Quality or Quantity?"
          These three words are probably the most important being an author. But it's usually confusing, which should you go for? Should you pump out content for the viewers sake, or take a little time and make it better? Personally, I'd chose Quality. It doesn't matter how many cookies you have if they're all awful. Yes, the viewers may become disinterested, and you might not get as many reads, but you'll be happy with it later on, and you'll be proud of it.
          Every single time I write, I think of 'Quality over Quantity', and I try and stick with Quality, but lately. I haven't. I've been writing without inspiration and making chapters just for the sake of making chapters. I need to slow down, let myself take a break, and look at it from a new angle, or I won't be proud of the thing I've created. If I don't update for a while, that's why. I might not be in the mindset, or just not inspired to write at that time. So to all the viewers out there, this is why myself and a lot of other writers out there don't always update. We want Quality over Quantity. Don't get me wrong, if you can write a chapter every day and be proud of it, good on ya, but it doesn't hurt to take some time on things.
          Okay that's my rant for tonight, hope you all have a good day/night! Buh bye! 


Okay guys, I haven't updated any of my stories, there's been a glitch and it doesn't show all the reads I've been getting, and I take it as no one is reading, but it's just a glitch, and today everything went back to normal (hopefully) and I can see all the reads now! I'm so sorry for not updating, I thought y'all didn't like it. I will hopefully be back on track soon, and thank all of you for reading!!! ❤️❤️❤️