
          	What do you guys think about the story so far?


Can you make one with vision and Y/n as couple and where in the snd vision is living his life happily with Y/n and his children 
          Can you make the sequel to marvel as Y/n is discovering the black power one's again it would be awesome thank you for reading my request


Hiya, in which movie? From the avengers? I will write marvel movies at this moment I have my hands tied with university assignments. But I will keep it in my list! Just provide me more details please! :)


Any updates on if your doing a sequel on your marvel book? Are you gonna do Loki the series? 


I’m thinking of first finishing of my LOTR book, this Christmas I will finish it off definitely. Then I will move on to marvel. I might change some things in my first marvel book so it connects with the LOKI series. It might take a while because I’ve become very busy with University. Hope you understand:) and thank you for you patience.