
Hi!! So yesterday I posted first chapter of my Sirius Black fanfiction, it's called Dancing Queen. It's not exactly my first work, but I took down both previous stories because I wasn't satisfied with them. Or rather, the couple of chapters in both stories... I really want to finish this one, because I've been thinking about it and writing down the ideas for more than a half of the year. If you love Sirius, maybe give it a shot? 
          	Hope you guys are safe and healthy!!
          	Love, M 


Hi!! So yesterday I posted first chapter of my Sirius Black fanfiction, it's called Dancing Queen. It's not exactly my first work, but I took down both previous stories because I wasn't satisfied with them. Or rather, the couple of chapters in both stories... I really want to finish this one, because I've been thinking about it and writing down the ideas for more than a half of the year. If you love Sirius, maybe give it a shot? 
          Hope you guys are safe and healthy!!
          Love, M 


Ahoj prosím dopisala by si príbeh o Jess a Harrym naozaj som strávila 8 hodín a čítala cely tvoj príbeh za jeden deň, naozaj by som bola rada kebyže ho prepíšeme sem alebo aspoň zverejnila 40.atď... kapitoly sem. Ďakujem :)


@ nikihazzta  Ahoj :)) mala som to pôvodne v pláne, ale všetky nápady som mala spísané na starom účte a po prepísaní 1. kapitoly som si to rozmyslela, mala som toho teda fakt dosť :( mrzí ma to, chcela som tú knihu pôvodne totižto dopísať... 


Hi guys! So... Yesterday I posted first chapter of my new story called Trust Fall. Also, I made an Instagram account where I'll be posting quotes from my books, updates on stories and all of that...  :) The link is on my profile, have a nice day xx 


This one's for my Slovak fellows... Viem, že som povedala, že knihu prepíšem na tento účet, ale po dlhšom uvážení a prvej kapitole som si to rozmyslela. Ten príbeh ma veľmi bavilo písať, ale už by to nebolo ono, nehovoriac o tom, že to prepisovanie trvá večnosť. Verím v to, že ma chápete ❤️❤️ M


ďakujem za všetky * veľmi potešili! ♡


@Nialler_Horan_1D :-D jasné, chápem... to sa stáva...


@ brumka už si nepamätám prihlasovacie meno. To je dôvod prečo mám nový účet 


@Nialler_Horan_1D  ❤️ na starom účte? tak si vážim, že si si ich našla aj s novým... ako si bola predtým, ak smiem vedieť? ;-)