
So it seems there is a small group going around insulting people who prefer Loki in darker situations and have started to insult others for their tastes in fan fiction. I can only assume these are the same ppl who reported two of my stories which have been removed. Loki Wins and Loki Needs Release have been taken down. 
          	I have it in the mature section with countless trigger warnings. So if you don’t like something you have the choice not to read it.  I will attempt to repost my stories and start from scratch Hopefully I can get back to the same numbers I had before. 
          	 Just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t give you the right to insult or report them. 
          	If you want to call these people perverts or foul names it just shows your mental stability or lack there off. The world is already in flames why take away people's outlet and escape? 
          	Thanks to all my followers I appreciate you all so very much.  


@LokiandNeith I applaud you and all of the ladies that have replied. If you don't like something, move on! There are so many varieties of fiction here. Support the authors you like, and pass on the ones that aren't your taste.


@LokiandNeith omg I'm so sorry... I saw this and panickingly copy-pasted all my stories to a word-document just now ^^" the "worst" story I have on here isn't with Loki but an original but I fear everyday that it gets removed as well...


That is so messed up. I’m sorry urs got removed. Just because these people have nothing better to do doesn’t mean that they should go reporting and shamming peoples story preferences. If you don’t like it move on. I love your stories. Don’t let this get you down. 


So it seems there is a small group going around insulting people who prefer Loki in darker situations and have started to insult others for their tastes in fan fiction. I can only assume these are the same ppl who reported two of my stories which have been removed. Loki Wins and Loki Needs Release have been taken down. 
          I have it in the mature section with countless trigger warnings. So if you don’t like something you have the choice not to read it.  I will attempt to repost my stories and start from scratch Hopefully I can get back to the same numbers I had before. 
           Just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t give you the right to insult or report them. 
          If you want to call these people perverts or foul names it just shows your mental stability or lack there off. The world is already in flames why take away people's outlet and escape? 
          Thanks to all my followers I appreciate you all so very much.  


@LokiandNeith I applaud you and all of the ladies that have replied. If you don't like something, move on! There are so many varieties of fiction here. Support the authors you like, and pass on the ones that aren't your taste.


@LokiandNeith omg I'm so sorry... I saw this and panickingly copy-pasted all my stories to a word-document just now ^^" the "worst" story I have on here isn't with Loki but an original but I fear everyday that it gets removed as well...


That is so messed up. I’m sorry urs got removed. Just because these people have nothing better to do doesn’t mean that they should go reporting and shamming peoples story preferences. If you don’t like it move on. I love your stories. Don’t let this get you down. 


Loki and I wish to say Happy Valentines Day to all our Lovelies. 
          He wants you all to remember. You don't need anyone to buy your flowers or candy to feel special. You are already special and loved. 
          If you ever doubt yourself just know he is always here for you. 
          Now since loki wrote such a touching love letter after a slight disagreement. I felt he needed a reply so he would know he was still loved always and forever. 
          Enjoy the apology from his Elskan to him
          Have an amazing day. 
          Loki and Neith (Natz) 


Hey sorry guys. 
          I’ve been a bit MIA on TT and here. Had some health issues that kept me grounded.  But a new chapter of unholy will coming out soon and for a bit of a change reply letter to one of Lokis love letter. Because he needs some mush love you.  Thanks to everyone who’s been worried and I love you all. 


@Zelkuradaiki1  that will be in the works for sure 


@TheGoddessOfVanaheim Thank you. Slowly buy surly. Besides Loki helps make it better ❤️


Hello My Darling 
          Your one true God would like you to know I have finally managed to get Neith to write my next letter.  I do apologize for her lateness, seems she was more interested in taking you all to Helheim with Unholy Priests then write my letter to you all. 
          I do believe this will make up for it. You may wish to have some tissues and beach towels on hand. 
          Do not forget I love you my Pets 
          I’m also asked to let you all know that a new chapter of Unholy will be up shortly. I hope you all are ready for confession. Esp you my Kitten 
          Your Saviour and God 
          Loki L   


@MissLollyGag I’m sure I’ll be dying when I read yours 


@LokiandNeith I’ve swooned and just died. ❤️


@MissLollyGag  you are always kitten my wife


Hello My Darlings. 
          How is everyone feeling? I have posted a new Chapter to Fallen from Grace: The Unholy Father Chronicles.  I hope you enjoy it and can’t wait to see everyone at confession in chapter 4…  


@LokiandNeith what kinda confession mommy.? Dun Dun Dun  


Hello Darlings
          Loki and I would like to thank everyone for all their support and Love you have shown us. 
          We are almost  done the third chapter of Fallen From Grace: The Unholy Father Chronicles as well as more than likely finishing up the final chapter to Loki Needs Release.  But don’t fret we have a few other stories in the works songs with some letters I hear.  Thank you all again. 
          Loki and Neith (Natz)


sooo excited 


@LokiandNeith yesssss I'm so excited


Good morning afternoon and evening my sweetest pets. 
          I have made Neith write what I feel would have happened on that day I arrived on Midgard. I can never understand why they would think I only wanted to hurt and destroy. That was far from the truth as this story shall explain how beloved if a God I would have truly been. 
          Perhaps in another universe
          Your God and King 


@LokiandNeith Thank you my king!!!!! We will kneel for you and worship you!!!


@g33kgirl1213  yes Pet they truly were 


Oh my King… they were so dumb 


Hello My Darlings. 
          Hope your all doing well. I have added Chapter 2 of Fallen from Grace: The Unholy Father Chronicles. 
          Hope you enjoy the Allfathers. Hmm what other things should Loki and I add . 
          Bon appetite  


@ProfessorDinklesmurf but that’s what the principle likes doesn’t she. A little teasing 


@ivwrites92 just wait for the next part 


@LokiandNeith you are giving me far too much inspiration for my villain story  I can barely keep up with my urge to write 


Hello My Darlings 
          I wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and to let you know I’ve kinda start up writing again. The last few months have been super busy more than I expected which I am deeply sorry for. Loki is also unimpressed with my lack of stories, but I am hoping things calm down….. somewhat. I have a few stories almost ready to post some new some continuing and some externally dark and taboo. Though for now I have given you a little treat. 
          Fallen from Grace: the unholy father chronicles. I hope you enjoy it.