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We don't talk about people being raped by females enough.
Hi my names CJ and i was Sexuallt Assaulted by my best friend of 4 years (at the time) when I was 12.
I felt like I couldn't speak up because 1 she would hurt me 2 others wouldn't believe me and 3 because she was a girl.
I've recently started speaking up against this stuff and started gaining more confidence in what I'm doing, that same girl has been trying to fight me, hurt me, post abt me on her tiktok but guess what? I don't care!
It's all well and good saying 'only men can rape people' but when it comes down to 'Would you rather be in a room with a bear or that girl against will always choose the bead
Men can be victims, women can be inflictors, normalise talking about how the gender stereotypes have been blown well out of proportion during the past few years. Normalise speaking up. Normalise trying to get help for SA. You don't deserve to go it alone. Nobody does and never will. No your not disgusting, no you couldn't have done anything more, no its not your fault and it never will be
Lots of love and best wishes your best Internet big sister❤️